Humane Advocacy: 150 Years

Humanity: Fragile and Resilient
nagori: the intense beauty of a communal impulse to cherish and share what remains

Guest blog created by The Nourishment Projects
Editors Note: During our 150th anniversary, through a series of special monthly blog posts created in partnership with The Nourishment Projects, Bright Promises Foundation will explore the idea of Humanity and Humane Advocacy around the globe, beginning in Japan, the land of the rising sun, and finishing at home in Chicago.

Humanity: Fragile and Resilient
nagori: the intense beauty of a communal impulse to cherish and share what remains

Guest blog created by The Nourishment Projects
Editors Note: During our 150th anniversary, through a series of special monthly blog posts created in partnership with The Nourishment Projects, Bright Promises Foundation will explore the idea of Humanity and Humane Advocacy around the globe, beginning in Japan, the land of the rising sun, and finishing at home in Chicago.