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Audience Served

Educators, Parents/Caregivers, and Children ages 0-4

Geograhic Location Served

Cook County


To help ensure that every child has the foundation to learn, grow, and lead


Thriving children and a kinder, more equitable world



VOCEL’s Child Parent Academy (VCPA): VOCEL’s flagship program is free, two-generation space where children ages 0-4 and their parents and/or caregivers play and learn side-by-side. VCPA classes meet weekly and offer engaging activities, language-rich environments, and ongoing support to adults through discussion groups to share celebrations, challenges, and learn about their child’s development. Classes are offered in-person and virtually in English and Spanish and throughout Chicago’s West, Southwest, and South Sides. 

Child Parent Academy Powered by VOCEL: This program is modeled after the VCPA program and works to leverage the talent and leadership that already exists in communities. Caregiver Leaders from school and organizational communities, often parents in the program themselves, are provided with training, coaching, stipends, and continuous support from VOCEL’s expert staff and their peers to bring weekly two-generation classes to caregivers and children in their communities.

Building Early Learning Leaders (BELL): Just as children should prepare for school, schools must prepare for young children. VOCEL partners with the Education Equity Fund to provide group training and individualized coaching to a cohort of Chicago Public Schools leaders to shape their vision for early learning excellence.

Early Educators for Thriving Children Fellowship (EETC): EETC provides training, coaching, and a community of peer support to help preschool and kindergarten teachers meet their students’ mental health needs amidst the return to in-person learning.

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