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Illinois AfterSchool Network

Audience Served

After School and Youth Development Professionals and Parents/Caregivers

Geograhic Location Served

Statewide Intermediary Organization


The Illinois AfterSchool Network (IAN) provides support to the after school and youth development field through professional development, leadership and networking opportunities.


The Illinois AfterSchool Network (IAN) provides support to the after school and youth development field through professional development, leadership and networking opportunities.



We offer a plethora of professional development opportunities for front line, emergent and seasoned professionals along with parent cafe sessions to parents and caregivers on an array of topics specific to the after school and youth development. We work with a cadre of over 120 professionals and clinicians that facilitate training on a plethora of topics in the field. We are the state affiliate to the National AfterSchool Association and work closely with the following national organizations for professional development specific to after school and youth development: American Institutes for Research, National Institute on Out-of-School Time and the Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality.

Direct link to our training calendar -

Parent Cafes sessions -